Category Archives: C&C Director – Norizah

It’s a Matter of Choice

Yesterday was a day that journeyed through mixed feelings and emotions. SPM 2014 results were released with more than half a million of candidates nationwide were anxiously waiting to see what they got. Putting aside the constant coverage after coverage on the students’ and schools’ performances, one common question seems to be the focus for every SPM achievers – “So, where do I want to continue my studies?”

Past Perfect, Future Tense

What a year it has been.

At the same time last year, the team of academic counsellors and I at Counselling and Communications Department of MSU, were consolidating counselling techniques and training to better jive and contribute to the overall plan of university, with our main concern in ensuring academic counselling is done right and accurate. We read articles, had discussions and find anything to help understand ways to assist students and parents more in choosing their rightful courses.

Scan And Deliver – Getting Organized

Today, I experienced another case of a student, who was unable to relocate a very important document that could expedite his admission into MSU.  The document was a copy of his letter of offer for a scholarship. Due to this missing document, I was unable to assist him with his financial assistance for early admission.

My New To-Do List

This morning, I read an interesting story – poignant, but memorable nonetheless. It was a story of a boy, who managed to get 4As in the subjects he sat for the national exam, the UPSR.

A story of an underprivileged kid, who raised above all hardship and struggles, and in the end excels. So, what is so new about this story? We hear and read stories like these all the time.

A Sweet Reminder

Yesterday was the event with the President of MSU for giveaways of Zakat for the students. It was a day that most students looked forward to – meeting the President, and of course, the excitement of getting the ‘Duit Raya’.

Amongst the recipients, is one student who has bone disease and moves with her wheelchair. She beamed when she entered the lobby area in her simple yet colorful Baju Kurung, and to my surprise, her character was just as colorful as well. Later did I discover that this bright student, who is studying the foundation program, had lost two siblings due to the same illness. Her illness made her fragile at the bones, and causes excruciating pain at times.