Category Archives: Corp Comm VP – Dato Rosli Yusof

Selamat Datang …. This is MSU

Selamat Datang   …. This is MSU

An orientation session involving new MSUrians  is an event that I have always looked forward to, and this morning session was no exception. Despite having to do this for so many years, it gives me much satisfaction sharing the MSU story with these fresh faces.


MSU 16th Convocation | A success to be shared.

I would like to dedicate this blog to the graduating Class of 2015. Now that graduation is over, what’s next? With plenty of opportunities around I don’t think so you need to worry excessively about getting a job. With the years spent at MSU I am positive you are sufficiently equipped for a career life. Rest assured, there is always something waiting for you out there, and quite frankly, as I was writing this piece, many of you have already secured full-time employments.

Rai graduan


Class of 2015

2015 is just around the corner.  Again, most of us have this itch of creating new resolutions while others are probably well tucked in their comfort zones. If we aspire for some form of transformation in our lives then a change in 2015 is a must. And this definitely calls for some drafting of the New Year resolutions.